by Rhymes On Modern Times | Mar 21, 2023 | Rhymes
When the space to breathe gets smaller and smallerThere’s no gasping, no panic,Just darker and darker.Another world of indifferent blankness –Who cares whatever happens next?No visions, no light, no thoughts.An awareness of invasion, through an arm:Just leave me...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Jan 19, 2023 | Rhymes
A new year has come,but before it’s goneI must try and recordwhat my world has done.The time is short,it simply flies by. My body doesn’t work as it used to, I know -seems to have announced a permanent go slow -but I urge my brain on, not to slack:it needs to move...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Jan 17, 2023 | Rhymes
The little girl twirled and looked at the screen:so many lives with futures unseen . . .“I’d like them all,” the little one said,“though I know this choice could mess with my head. These twists and turns,these ups and downs,to meet them all with just a few frowns,to...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Jan 17, 2023 | Rhymes
I always longed to be slovenlywhen I was a wee small girl.I wasn’t quite sure what it meant, you see,but it was everything I wasn’t allowed to be.My socks and stockings must be pulled up fast -never allowed to droop at half-mast!Coats and cardies properly done...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Dec 28, 2022 | Rhymes
A GAP YEAR Finished with studies,some young people say,“We need a gap yearbefore entering the frayof responsible life.”By air, by train, by hiking and biking;cadging lifts and lodging, and sometimes workingin unfamiliar ways, hard workthat’s not always to their...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Nov 6, 2022 | Rhymes
AN AUTUMN MEMORY One left foot in the stirrup and over I go.Down into the saddle, but nice and slow,avoiding the shock of a nasty thumpto protect his spine from shoulder to rump.I gather the reins and start to planmy ride today. The colours of autumn surround...