by Rhymes On Modern Times | Nov 19, 2023 | Rhymes
ZEST The worst thing that could happen to meis to lose a sense of purpose, you see.I know that my age – which is ninety-two -precludes me from most I’d like to do,but I don’t want a day to pass me bywithout a new thought or idea to try.Mobility restricted, I will do...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Nov 19, 2023 | Rhymes
AN ARM I feel an arm, just laying bare.No muscle, just loose skin and bone is there.I sense the blood still flowing throughthe prominent veins, all now so blue.I think of her hair, so short and frazzled,mocking the style which once shone and dazzled.The nails...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Aug 26, 2023 | Rhymes
When reclining in my chair -as often happens -I’m always puzzled as to what I can doto regain my zest for life.Being physically active is beyond me now,but my brain still works (after a fashion!)and challenges me how to use itwith conviction and...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | Jul 30, 2023 | Rhymes
A simple pleasure was once for me Watching the birds i could see Out of my living room window. Young families emerging from the hedge Gradually vanishing when they fledge The lovely bird feeder hanging outside Saw many a squabble where mum would preside And sort out...
by Rhymes On Modern Times | May 11, 2023 | Rhymes
TO HAVE A DREAM It’s best to have a dreamwhen pondering by yourself in bedall sorts of scenarios inside your head,completely unlikely and impossible too,for age has at last – sadly, unfortunately –got the better of you. But still, it’s best to have a dream –to wander...